You should pay Corporation Tax on profits from doing business as:

You don’t get a bill for Corporation Tax. There are particular things you should accomplish to work out, pay and report your tax.
1. Register for Corporation Tax when you begin business or restart a dormant business. Unincorporated affiliations should write to HMRC.
2. Maintain account records and set up a Company Tax Return to work out the what amount of Corporation Tax to pay.
3. Pay Corporation Tax or report if you don’t have anything to pay by your deadline time – this is typically 9 months and 1 day after the finish of your book-keeping period.
4. Document your Company Tax Return by your deadline time – this is typically a year after the finish of your book-keeping period.
Your bookkeeping period is normally similar to a year as the financial year covered by your yearly records. Profits you pay Corporation Tax on Taxable profits for Corporation Tax include the money your organization or association makes from: